As we look to support our customers and community during the evolving COVID-19 situation, we want to share a few important updates with you.
First, we are steadfast in our commitment to our customers during this uncertain time, and especially those directly impacted by COVID-19. As an independent insurance agency, we represent a variety of insurance companies. The majority of them are prepared to waive late fees for any customer who is unable to make a payment on time due to COVID-19. If this applies to you or your business, please contact the companies billing customer service representatives directly. They will have the authority to adjust your current bill and to waive any late fees incurred after March 1, 2020.
You may have also heard that many insurance companies are issuing Relief Refunds to their auto insurance customers due to the stay at home orders that have greatly reduced the amount of drivers out on the road. Customers will not need to take any actions to receive benefits as credits will be automatically applied to the customer's policy. Some companies are also expanding their auto coverage to cover customers who use their personal vehicles to deliver food and medicine. What is being offered to customers varies from company to company.
To learn more about your payment, refund and covereage options, here are phone numbers to each of the customer service representatives for the insurance companies we represent:
1. Safeco - 800-332-3226;
2. Liberty Mutual – 866-290-2920
3. Progressive - 800-888-7764
4. Nationwide - 888-891-0267
5. Travelers Insurance - 877-878-2468
6. Selective Insurance - 800-735-3284
7. American Strategic Insurance - 866-274-8765
8. Missouri Employer’s Mutual – 800-442-0593
Should you have additional questions or concerns, we are here to help. Thanks and stay healthy.