With auto insurance, you have the protection you need to get your car back on the road quickly and easily, whatever happens. If you have a collision in your car or your vehicle is damaged by a fire, the right insurance policy will help you put this right. You can even find a policy that will protect you even if your car is stolen or missing, making sure that you are not inconvenienced by this unforeseen event.
With the right policy, you may also be covered against any expenses arising from third-party injury, property damage, or loss of life following an accident.
Understanding Auto Insurance in Missouri
When you have the right insurance policy, your insurer agrees to pay for any pre-determined losses or charges incurred in relation to your vehicle. In order to secure this agreement, you will pay pre-determined insurance premiums across an agreed-upon term. There are many different types of coverage — at many different rates — out there, so it's crucial that you find the right policy for you.
Types of Auto Insurance
Here at Charles Meyer Insurance Agency we are experts in the auto insurance market. We can help you make sure you have the coverage you need according to state law, as well as the additional coverage you want.
You may need the following types of insurance, depending on your state:
Liability Coverage
This is an insurance policy that will cover you for any losses incurred by a third party following a collision or another incident.
No-Fault Coverage
This is coverage that pays for expenses incurred by your or your passengers after a collision, no matter who is found to be at fault.
Being fully insured beyond Missouri requirements is always recommended. This will give you the protection you need to use the road safely and confidently, as well as protecting other road users. With this in mind, you may benefit from the following types of insurance:
Want to find out more about getting the Missouri auto insurance coverage you need? Reach out to us at 314-894-1313 today, or request a quote online.